The vast majority of adults in this world know that moral perfection is absolutely impossible, so I get upset when self proclaimed Hollywood/MSM liberals ruthlessly attack any conservative that cannot do the impossible; avoid succumbing to temptation for their entire life. Hollywood/MSM liberals always use this angle to attack conservatives nationwide because by strongly believing in nothing specific they’ve set themselves up to perpetually come out on top of any moral argument, guilt, worry and public-scorn free.

In today’s Hollywood a famous liberal filmmaker could hire a hooker while shooting a $100,000,000 studio feature film, secretly charge it to the budget, snort coke in his trailer between shots and drop E at night without any real concern for condemnation or job loss if he’s caught, because, well, he never proclaimed to be on the side of good in the first place. Whereas a famous conservative Christian filmmaker (pretend with me here) caught doing the same thing would be ridiculed and kicked out of town for the hypocrisy of it all since, by being Christian, he openly admitted that kind of behavior is not the most desirable for himself and doesn’t set a very good example for the fans.

What if this same mentality were applied to other shared parts of society? Could a Hollywood liberal drive his or her gas guzzling, Obama bumper sticker covered SUV through every stop light, plowing down innocent pedestrians and then when stopped by the police simply use the argument “I never said I believed in red lights, therefore I do not have to stop at them.” ?

What the majority of cultural conservatives really want is to reinstate traffic lights in pop culture and most of them set to merely flash yellow. But since Hollywood/MSM liberals thrive on the constant green light for their bizarre behavior from an adoring public in order to stay in power within the town, they must work overtime to keep any kind of national consensus emerging on what is morally good and bad in pop culture.

To quote the Apostle of Common Sense; “Art is like morality. Both begin by drawing the line somewhere.”

And nothing could be worse for the Hollywood/MSM power players than a clear definition of right and wrong because when you’re a profitable purveyor of smut, scandal, lopsided political propaganda and art without lines — the last thing you need is smut, scandal, lopsided political propaganda and art without lines going out of style.

A successful talent manager with a list of star clients once pulled me aside at a party and whispered into my ear “hey, nobody likes a guy that always tells the truth.” He wanted to sign me as a client and was trying to help me work my way through the system by learning to be dishonest when it paid.

So in my experience this “avoid the truth” mindset is precisely why Hollywood/MSM liberal attacks never end when a conservative or Christian does anything wrong; because they are a fearful living reminder of the truth that most of humanity still wholeheartedly embraces; men are fallen and must fight against their natural urges to become ruthlessly self centered and above the law.

If elite media neo-liberals can succeed in getting more people to speed through the red lights and play by their twisted non-rules then there really is no limit to how far they can sink this nation.