The ugly truth about the health care debate can be summed up by the nightmare created by reality television: non-union actors (who we call “scabs” during strikes) are threatening the long standing system by jumping into the pool without regard for those who have worked hard to achieve their status and benefits.

Listening to Obama talk about covering the 47 million uninsured sounds great. It’s the equivalent of saying EVERYONE should be able to participate, to try out for parts, and get treated as well as the top 1% of actors.

Except therein lies the difference. If the non-union or “uninsured” jump into the pool, everyone on the union job is going to receive less pay, or the insured will receive less health care.

What we really want when we talk about medical coverage for all is what we mean when we say “feed everyone.” We mean – open enough soup kitchens that no one is hungry. We do not mean – “lets go eat everyday at the soup kitchen.”

Beggars can’t be choosers.

And SAG actors deserve better treatment than non-SAG actors. They’ve worked for it. They’re paid for it. They’ve earned it. Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured. That’s not how Hollywood works.