There’s a brilliant line in the Alfred Hitchcock classic, “Notorious,” that will resonate with many Americans today. Postwar Nazi conspirator Claude Rains has discovered his beloved wife is spying on him for the CIA, and whimpers to his mother that his wary colleagues will eliminate him for his folly. The mother responds that their suspicions of him would never reach the height that he actually married an American agent, adding, “We are protected by the enormity of your stupidity.”

This country may now have the same reprieve. We elected the most liberal senator in Congress as President, a man of no economic, military, or practical accomplishment who promised to “fundamentally transform America.” Observant citizens, alas too few, knew Obama would try to impose a radical leftist agenda on the nation against the wishes of its central right majority.

But even those who ignored his record; attentiveness to racist Reverend Wright, association with terrorist Bill Ayers, voting down the Induced Infant Liability Act to protect babies who survive late-term abortions, supporting a filibuster against Judge Alito’s Supreme Court bid, and many other hints; could hardly imagine his progressive onslaught on this nation.

It has brought, so far, a $787-billion “stimulus” package with no private business incentives, government ownership of a US car dealer, a job-killing “cap and trade” bill that punishes manufacturers by taxing carbon dioxide (which humans exhale and plants photosynthesize), more than 30 taxpayer-funded extra-Constitutional czars, a citizen-on-citizen “snitch” website, support for a Hugo Chavez-wannabe in Honduras against that nation’s Constitution-heeding democratic government, silence in the face of a brutal Iranian regime massacring its freedom-hungry citizens, Justice Department investigations of anti-terrorist interrogators previously cleared by the Justice Department, and, the piece de resistance, a $1.6-trillion-plus government takeover of health care that Obama tried and failed to ram through Congress last July.

Had Obama been less arrogant, less hostile to grassroots opposition, less mendacious in his endless staged and stacked appearances, he would be a lot farther along in his desired radicalization of the country. Had he begun his term with the health care Trojan Horse instead of a disastrous pork-laden “stimulus” scam, there would be no stopping him now. Luckily, his ideological contempt for traditional Americans; the “clinging to their God and guns” crowd that now confounds him at every turn; will be his undoing. Approval of the President and his programs has sunk to record lows.

It wasn’t supposed to go this way. Obama has the rich and powerful in his pocket: insurance companies, corporations (like GE), pressure groups (AARP, AMA, ACORN), unions, and all media save one non-fawning cable news network and an archaic AM radio band. The once handy Republicans he demonizes as obstructionists are today more like ancient Christians cowering in the catacombs, unable to thwart a single extremist bill, judge, or czar. They don’t make straw men like they used to.

No, it is the American people who have thrown a monkey wrench in the Obamachine. They stand there in the thousands, unnerving elitist politicians with their passionate criticisms. They convey to squirming Senators, Congresspersons, and Cabinet officials God’s commandment to Isaiah. “This shall not stand and this shall not be!”

Obama’s political and media lackeys fire back with cliched venom, branding grandmothers, veterans, housewives and other concerned citizens as rabid racist “teabagging” swastika-carrying Astroturf organized peons. Who are they to question the chosen one’s plans? But they are just ordinary Americans who have drawn a line in the sand to defend their individual liberties. Obama might have crossed that line with feigned humility. He just didn’t have it in him.

We are protected by the enormity of our stupidity. But unlike President Obama, we will soon correct our folly.