The RUSH is what scares me.

“Impatience does not diminish but augments the evil.” (Latin proverb)

Okay, we all know that this global warming thing is a politically based, scientifically unproven, exaggeration based on greed, power and big government control. I just did my science term paper on it and science hasn’t found an accurate way to measure global climate yet. But, what if it is true that industry, production, coal use and automobiles are emitting too much poison into the atmosphere, and our earth is sensitive to this, being damaged by this, and that there is potential damage coming to our future generations…

…wouldn’t the logical, reasonable thing be to intelligently discuss the topic? Perhaps a televised debate between two respected scientists who have no political ties, who have opposite opinions on the climate change topic? Isn’t that the way civilized people approach problems?!

What’s the Rush?

…wouldn’t the common sense approach be for Congress to slowly and eloquently discuss the facts, the science, the computer models, their accuracy, and the ramifications of decreasing industry, and destroying yet more jobs during an economic depression/crisis? Shouldn’t they first decide whether this Green Movement is a joke before they start making laws that affect the welfare of a billion lives?

What’s the Rush?

Okay, we all know that our country has the best medical system in the world, and that the majority of Americans are very happy with their health care. But, what if it was true that we needed to reform this system a little, this system that is already the best in the world? Yes, I said it twice.

…wouldn’t the intelligent thing be to slowly and carefully dissect exactly what the problems are, and then have experts in that field give presentations to back up their carefully thought out solutions? For example, the problem that doctors are being sued so much that they are forced to spend incredible amounts of money on lawsuit protection, thus raising the costs to their patients? Talk. Think. Discuss. Think?

What’s the Rush?

Why is this Congress…what can we label them? Labels are important because they explain a lot in a single word. They save time. What should we label this administration? Democrat? No. They seem different than the olden-day Democrats. Progressive? Isn’t that just a fancy name for Neo-Communist?! Well, whatever the label that history will lay on them, they are America Haters. They are Freedom Haters. They are People Haters. And, many of them are God Haters. And, they are in a big, big hurry!

I think they are RUSHING…blind, deaf, dumb, passionate, and confused, spittle flying, hair in their eyes…without a thought as to what their constituents want…they are RUSHING us into a state of Tyranny…

because they are hoping to CHANGE our country from a Capitalist nation to a Socialist nation before anyone notices! And, before the 2010 election!

Whenever one of us notices their chicanery, they call us names and try to humiliate us, stop us. Like high school. A lot of these Obama followers really, really, really want to be COOL! Isn’t that funny?! They want to be in the COOL clique. They don’t know how silly they look. Like that hairstyle where your side bangs fall right into your eye. Or that pants style where you let your pants fall down past your butt and wear boxers underneath. Those are the people who voted for Obama. Someone told them it was COOL. They don’t know he’s stealing their Freedom from right under their noses!!

In the 70’s, when I grew up, people thought it was COOL to do drugs until they overdosed and have sex with lots of people and get abortions and diseases. Eventually, they found out that the COOL crowd was really the dumb crowd. The COOL people supported Madeline Murray O’Hare. Her life’s work was to remove the Bible, prayer and the 10 Commandments from schools. She did it! Yay Maddy! And then she died. I think someone chopped her up. She was murdered. Maybe she should have left the 10 Commandments, or at least one of them in the schools. COOL has consequences. Some of my COOL Christian friends, the ones that go to the Rock and Roll Church and think it’s okay to say the F word; they proudly voted for Obama. I said, “But he’s for partial birth abortion and you believe abortion is murder!” They replied, “He’s COOL!” My Jewish lawyer neighbor last year bragged, “This is the first time I’ve ever not voted Republican!!” I asked him why he was voting for Obama. He said proudly, “Because he’s black!” I was speechless. In his desperate attempt to be a non-racist, he was a flaming racist. What is more racist than choosing a political leader based on his skin color?! I think…when picking a leader…the most important thing to consider is the guy’s World View…not the way he looks, or speaks, or if he’s COOL!

COOL has consequences and so does RUSHING.

I was curling my hair with my curling iron today, (because I am not cool and still have my 80’s hairstyle), and I burned my neck because I was rushing, because I was late for a meeting with Tony Katz, and Al Sonja Schmidt. We are starting a radio show called The Wise Guys to air for the first time next Thursday on 1220 AM ! (shameless plug)

But I digress…

All I’m saying, is you really have to be suspicious of people who are in a RUSH. They always have a trick up their sleeve.

What’s the Rush?

Congress, President? Are you afraid we will vote you out?! Well, we are on to you, so you better find other means of employment. Perhaps law or magic, they both involve lying and subterfuge. You’d be good at that!

(By the way, I have a solution for the potential threat of global warming caused by the emission of greenhouse gases. It’s not a WIN/LOSE situation like Gore has presented which is to destroy our economy to save the polar bear (which is not going extinct). This solution is a WIN/WIN solution and it was thought up by my friend, the highly respected Astronomer and founder of Reasons to Believe (, Dr. Hugh Ross. Dr. Ross’s idea is to exchange the ostrich for the cow. Cow flatulence is the leading cause of greenhouse emission producing methane. Ostrich meat is healthier and ostriches emit much less gas, and take less grazing space. Dr. Ross also suggests replanting the Sahara Desert and other deserts to stimulate rain in those areas. He explains it better than I do on his web site. This is a better solution than killing our economy.)

Thank you for listening.