Can any of you remember a time when so many creative film artists in Hollywood shit where they eat by endlessly voicing such outspoken contempt and loathing for the majority of the American people, our history and our way of life? I can’t. Now I’m not talking about Hollywood Lefties going off on political tangents like at HuffPo. We do the same damn thing here. I’m talking fighting words as defined in the Chaplinsky ruling. Too many fighting words coming out of Lefty Hollywood these days.

I don’t know about you, but I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take them anymore. Prime example. Sean Penn calling for the arrest of anyone who tags dictator Hugo Chavez as a dictator. That must now include the mass arrest of the entire leadership of the OAS, which just slammed Pennhead’s hero El Chavista on his horrific human rights record. I will say it: that statement is as un-American as it gets, and is dictatorial in itself. Those are fighting words, IMHO. Tell me where I’m wrong.

Then we had Tom Hanks effectively saying that the Japanese and Americans wanted to destroy each other only because they were different breeds of racists. That intellectually vacuous statement not only slanders America’s most honorable record in the war against a genocidal Imperial Japan, it slanders the sacred memory of every US service member who fought and died in that conflict. As a Navy veteran myself, and the son of an Army veteran of Normandy Beach on D-Day? Fighting words.

And now, actress Megan Mullally believes that Jay Leno’s attempts to attract red state viewers is “insane.” Is it? Gee, I thought Hollywood studios, networks and creative film artists sought the widest audiences possible. Aren’t we all Americans here? I guess not, huh? How do all you red staters feel being effectively declared insane by the esteemed Dr. Mullally? Fighting words? I believe it is time they are met head on and challenged. My answer? Impact statements. By that I mean Americans making a punitive statement to said Tinseltown offenders to let them know just how numerous and offended we are. We accomplish that through temporary one-time boycotts of the offenders’ projects.

Here is The Plan. It is too late to make an impact statement on the premiere of the Hanks/Spielberg HBO series The Pacific. But it is not too late to make a statement on Episode Two next Sunday night. Here is how we let Mr. Hanks know of our rank offense at his fighting words re the Pacific War. This Sunday, don’t watch it. For one night. Don’t even TiVo it. Then next week, everybody tune it in whether you were going to watch it or not. The ratings dips and jumps will send a very clear message. If it helps, think of it as being The Joker for a Day. Be an Agent of Chaos in the ratings! That work for ya?

I consider that a very balanced yet powerful response. As to Mr. Penn, he has four upcoming film projects, none of which has an official release date. One is Fair Game, the story of Joseph Wilson and the Valerie Plame “scandal.” No impact statement necessary there. I’ll bet five-to-one that film is DOA at the box office. Bush-bashing is so yesterday. No, the only juicy prospect in Mr. Penn’s future is the Farrelly Brothers’ reboot of The Three Stooges. I say totally avoid the film on its release weekend. Give him a taste of what rectal cancer at the box office feels like. Make him scream.

As to Ms. Mullally, there doesn’t seem to be much of anything of hers at IMDB that won’t collapse financially or ratings-wise of its own accord. You can beat a dead horse, but what’s the point? Perhaps that’s why she said what she did. You know. Get in good with Sean Penn and Tom Hanks. I’ll keep an eye on Ms. Mullally and any impact statement-worthy projects she may get attached to.

I never forget fighting words. Ever. And I will do my part. I fully intend to contact every major US veterans’ organization on the matter of The Pacific, and will recommend they make an impact statement of their own this coming Sunday. Will you do your part? Is missing one TV show or opening weekend at the box office too much to ask in response to fighting words by those creative film artists most concerned with the project’s financial and viewership success?

Lastly, a blackly comic punchline. A spec script I have been laboring on for eighteen months, my fourth, is finally wrapping this week and going to market after rewrites based on coverage. That’s why I’ve been mostly MIA as of late. I know. Alex Perez, aka Hollywood Scab Writer, probably has a better shot at the Biz than I will after this. But I’m a writer. I write. Telling me to stop writing is like telling a charter NAMBLA Member in Good Standing to lay off the young boys. It ain’t happening.

I may have to move on to another field of writing in the end, but at least I take a clear conscience with me. I also take with me a huge, loving and most supportive family, lots of great friends, and a lot of most promising young people I have befriended who adore me as I do them. I even have today’s Oscar Schindler for LGBTs and some real gay advocates on my side via my reporting on the LGBT human rights horrorshows in Iran and Iraq. Not like the professional fakes at HRC. Larger point being, I am an Army of One. I may never get rich in Hollywood, but I will never be poor with all I have, either. In point of fact I am already rich, and there is nothing Lefty Hollywood can do to hurt me in the slightest. What’s another word for nothing left to lose again? I’m sure our Founding Fathers knew.

I also have a bit of a fan base here at Big Hollywood. Love you too, Jimmy Arone! It is we who are are the true Hollywood rebels now, with clear ideals and senses of mission and purpose. It is the Lefty Hollywood establishment that is totally fucked, ideologically floundering and completely out of touch with the American people. All I’m saying is that it is time to lay down some dope smacks as fighting words demand. Can I get an Amen, some tuned-out TVs and deferred movie attendance on that?