Hello, I am Auntie Hollywood. Check out my bio. I’ll be tweeting (@auntiehollywood) my brutally honest television, movie, and general pop culture jags right here on the BIG HOLLYWOOD web site. This town is a seething cauldron of contemptible half-wits, numb-nuts, and douche-nozzles, barfing out nothing but mediocre tripe. I’ll be taking on all of it. Let me know what you think. My juicy little nuggets will be posted on my very own Twitter “widget” in the right-hand side bar of the site.

Here are some examples of what you’ll be seeing, already in the widget to the right. Hope you likey:

Just saw “Clash of the Titans” in 3-D. They shoulda shot it in No-D. A super-duper diaper steamer.

Watching “Lost” has been like watching internet porn with dial-up for 7 effing years. I’m chafed, irritable & wondering why I even bothered.

“Family Guy” has finally begun to creep back to Earth ha ha-wise. A Lockerbie joke? Really? Even Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said, “Too soon.”

Make sure to tweet your responses or re-tweet me @auntiehollywood. I’ll be posting updates whenever something tickles me, or pisses me off.