So, according to someone who “auditioned” for Barack Obama’s town hall on MTV, Thursday afternoon, the organizers wanted “light” questions (i.e. softballs).

This fact came from Nick Seaver, writing at the liberal AMERICAblog, who failed at his casting call because he didn’t come up with anything they liked.

I watched the thing, and yeah, it had more softballs than Elena Kagan’s closet.

—Logo by ‘Leo Broadside

From what I gather, these cherry-picked students, which are supposed to reflect young America – only care about issues that make Obama seem like a caring sensitive dad: anti-bully, gay rights, race issues, and stuff about “political rhetoric” – a jab at Obama haters. Oh yeah – don’t’ forget “environmental justice,” whatever that is. Sure, a tea party question popped up, but Obama managed even to nail them, if only a little.

Yep, this thing was more choreographed than the back alley sequence in West Side Story (scene five, 11 pm).

But no hard stuff at all. If you looked up the definition of soft, you’d find a picture of this crowd. They didn’t speak truth to power, they gave it a back rub.

Of course, that’s because the audience, like Obama, tilts to the left. The overarching message: Obama’s awesome, and his opposition are stupid meanies who are stupid and mean.

In a question on worsening race relations, Obama mentions economically troubled folks “organizing itself around a tribal attitude.”

Anyway, I think it’s totally cool for students to hold these silly opinions. After all, they aren’t yet in the real world.

But our President?


And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobic verbophobe.

Don’t miss tonight’s show, which originally taped Tuesday – it’s still fresh and fun!

Also, I’ll be on O’Reilly tonight (and he’ll be on Red Eye on Monday)