So according to professors at the University of Washington’s Department of Global Health, military recruiters are no different than sexual predators in their “grooming” behavior of students.

Now, researcher Amy Hagopian, has since walked back this claim – saying she wasn’t comparing recruiters to sexual predators, just predators. Which begs the question: what kind of predators, then? Adults who want to steal their “So Sweet Boutique” bejeweled trinket box with 3D stickers and Fashion Pen?

On second thought, those are nice.

Anyway, to back up her insidious claim, Amy offers examples of predatory “grooming” behaviors of recruiters. On Dori Monson’s show, the prof says recruiters are encouraged to get involved during field trips and scorekeeping – which is what pedophiles might do.

But let me also point out, it’s also what parents do too. And uncles like me. Yep, you could say that the same behaviors you find among sexual predators (inserting themselves into recreational events) are no different than a family’s. Amy left that out, for it would have ruined her atrocious exercise in moral relativism. If everyone acts that way, then the “science” falls apart.

She’s a bad person, to put it mildly.

Fact is, this fake study would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the subject matter. Not only is she smearing the men and women who sacrifice their time, efforts and lives to defend our country – she’s also diminishing the true danger of sexual predation. “It’s all the same,” she’s says – and the repellent American Journal of Public Health agreed enough to publish this drivel.

But no surprise there – you don’t need to do real science, as long as your biases are in the right place.

Tonight, an all lady extravaganza!

Michelle Collins!

Jedidiah Bila!

Brooke Goldstein!