Is there a cosmic rule that says to make film and entertainment that is interesting and well received you have to be a liberal? It seems that way sometimes, but it doesn’t need to be the case.

I think everyone is pretty aware of the overwhelming liberal bias of Hollywood in general but it’s bigger than that, most creative people, period, tend to be heavily on the left. Why is that, and what can be done to get the true message of conservatism into films and entertainment?

The American Dream Trailer from American Dream on Vimeo.

Let’s first take a look at what makes good media. Regardless of the format, whether narrative or documentary, the first and foremost thing people want is a good story. Telling a good story and crafting interesting characters is a talent. Film-making is not something that everyone is going to be able to do well. I say this not to discourage anyone but more to identify what the real issue is. The biggest strength of the liberal voice is that they use the elements of story-telling far better. They know that stories of struggle and triumph are far more engaging than messages of statistics and fear. I am convinced a lot of liberals would like the story of free markets and small government a lot better if we did a better job telling it.

Think about the following: Is the problem that we need more people on the right making films, or is it that we need more good filmmakers thinking right?

I would propose it is the latter.

If that is the case how do we get those good filmmakers to think right? Well what is being on the right anyway?

I think we have a real identity crisis as to what “conservatism” is. Trying to identify true conservatism based on party affiliation is a big mistake. The republican leadership is no more truly conservative than the democratic leadership. This taking sides based on party is alienating and divisive. It also makes for an all or nothing proposition.

What we should be doing instead, as storytellers and conservatives, is uniting on issues that we can all agree on and working together to advance those through media.

I recently made a film that I think does this. It’s called “The American Dream” and you can check out the trailer and purchase the DVD from our website THEAMERICANDREAMFILM.COM. It’s best if you just check it out for yourself to see what makes it different. It celebrates at least what I consider to be true conservative values. I have shown this to people across the political spectrum, and what you realize is that people think far more similar than you would have believed. The message of conservatism is uniting, but it has been hijacked by wolves in sheep’s clothing. They now use it to advance an agenda of control and government expansion.

I am hopeful that all the film-makers out there will check out what we did and have the same reaction. It’s not the Democrats versus the Republicans, that is but a distraction. The real debate is liberty, freedom and prosperity vs. control and poverty. Once you get that its no longer about party we can put that “US” Vs “THEM” aside and start making films that convey the message of liberty being the greatest mission statement a nation has ever had.

The Michael Moore’s of the world tell good stories about bad ideas. We need to start telling good stories about good ideas, and the results will be truly amazing.