Afshan Azad, 22, who plays Padma Patil in the “Harry Potter” film series remains in hiding. She refused to appear in a London court and press charges, no doubt because she knows there’s no way the British police can protect her. It is open Islamic season on Ms. Azad.

What has she done to bring down the wrath of Allah? Ms. Azad’s boyfriend is Hindi, a non-Muslim.

And according to the racist, misogynist doctrine of the Islamists, she is a traitor to the umma, the transnational Muslim community, hence deserving a death sentence.

Actress Afshan Azad is in hiding.

Ms. Azad’s father, Abul Azad, 53, and her brother Ashraf, 28, labeled her a “prostitute” when they discovered her secret boyfriend. Her brother beat her and her father threatened to kill her after she refused an arranged marriage with a Muslim man. Ms. Azad escaped her family home by climbing through a bedroom window. She has been in hiding ever since. And I’m afraid that like the Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris and so many others, she will remain in hiding for the rest of her life.

Just so we understand what’s going on: this is the norm in the Muslim world. Women who dare enter a relationship with non-Muslims are fair game for an honor killing, usually proceeded by various forms of unspeakable torture.

You would think that Ms. Azad’s case would sweep through Hollywood like a prairie fire, with celebrities stepping forward to condemn Islam’s war against women and offer support to this unfortunate young actress and the millions of Muslim women who live in perpetual fear of their lives. And hey, Hollywood is stuffed with card carrying feminists. So doesn’t it make sense that western women–specifically liberals who are always lecturing cave dwelling conservatives about social justice and human rights–would surge forward like an angry wave in support of their sister?

But gee willikers, listen to the silence.

My colleagues in the film business absolutely a-dore causes.

They sport really cute AIDS and breast cancer ribbons at every opportunity. Global warming–rebranded as climate change–is, natch, the fashion forward cocktail shmooze of the moment. Park in any studio lot and you’ll see a dozen “Free Tibet” bumper stickers, as if Tibet will ever be free from the mass murdering Chinese.

But talk to film people about the oppression of women in the Muslim world, specifically honor killings, and you’ll be met with either blank stares or a stumbling explanation about the moral complexities of judging third world cultures.

In short, western liberals in Hollywood and elsewhere, most notably so-called feminists, have abandoned the human rights of Muslim women in the name of multicultural gibberish. It’s okay to let women be slaughtered by their fanatic families because we, as depraved western oppressors, have no right to tell the natives how to live.

Which is a pretty good description of dhimmitude.

In fact, western liberals are the perfect dhimmis. Accepting and condoning the violence of Muslims is exactly what the Islamists want. Why do you think it’s a hate crime to burn a Koran, but urinating on a crucifix is considered art?

The reason liberals can moan about Tibet is because they really don’t have to do anything. Just slap on the dopey bumper sticker and yadda-yadda about what a great guy is the Dalai Lama and your progressive credentials are totally up to date. You can go to your yoga class or faculty meeting and feel the love. Liberals are not going to go up against the ruthless and murderous Chinese who have turned Tibet into a massive killing field. They just want to feel good about themselves. It’s the nirvana of self-righteousness liberals seek.

But to confront Islam, violent and fanatic, actually takes courage. Because, let’s face it, Islamists are homicidal maniacs who take great pride in rioting, maiming, raping, torturing and beheading. Why else do you think they go to such lengths to broadcast their atrocities on You Tube?

And now that one of Hollywood’s own, Afshan Azad, 22, a fine young actress, is in hiding because her father and brother are determined to murder her, well, I’m sure Hollywood will sigh with compassion, and then move on because the part can always be recast.

This moral nothingness perfectly compliments the barbarism of the Islamist world. One cannot survive without the other. They are, in clinical terms, enablers.