So a new study from the New England Journal of Medicine reports that having an abortion may be less harmful to a woman’s mental health than having a baby.

The researchers tracked thousands of females who had a first-trimester abortion or a first-time baby. They found that there was a smaller, by percentage, increase in women who had an abortion seeking psychiatric treatment, than women who gave birth.

When it came to seeking help, the numbers went from .3 percent to .7 percent after having a baby. That’s a one hundred percent increase (roughly). After an abortion, it went from one to 1.5 percent – a fifty percent increase. Meaning, moms are twice as likely to seek help.

What does this mean?

Well, for the lucky researcher, this is fresh ammo to counter received wisdom that abortion harms women’s minds. Meaning this whole research was done, not to help women, but to prove an ideological point.

A point, I might add, that’s pointless.

Here’s why: the accuracy of the data relies on women who seek help to tell the docs they had an abortion. I reckon a lot of women keep that to themselves. As for the moms, they could be seeking help for reasons other than a screaming poop machine. Like a nervous wreck of a husband.

But look, I’ll agree with the conclusions – and say abortion is less traumatic than childbirth. The fact is, the absence of stress is usually less traumatic than the addition of stress – especially if that stress can fire mustard at twenty paces.

(Seriously, I don’t know how parents do it.)

But come on – everyone knows babies can drive you nuts. But they have ’em anyway. For proof of the worthiness of this research, pick any mom on the street, and inform them that abortion is easier than childbirth.

My guess is, they won’t reply, “damn, I shoulda offed the kid, after all.”

Cuz they’re babies.

And from what I understand, even the worst of them are worth the trouble.

Ask my mom.

No show tonight:

But we’ll see you tomorrow.

Be safe!