So according to some handy-dandy researchers, too much consumer choice is bad for society.

Their explanation: thinking about so many alternatives makes you less likely to support policies that help people.

According to a Science Daily scribe, who seemed somewhat enamored by this research, “Simply thinking about ‘choice’ made people less likely to support policies promoting greater equality.”

Their examples of such well-meaning policies that get screwed: affirmative action, taxing “fuel-inefficient cars,” and banning violent video games.

Now, you might find this funny.

But to me, it’s creepier than a shopping mall Santa in cut-offs.

These researchers seem to have concluded that a free society makes it hard for these same researchers to force their beliefs on the rest of us dumb people. Let’s remember, they assume the policies they favor are the helpful ones. Never mind that they have their heads so far up their asses they’re eating last night’s dinner.

I mean, aren’t they condemning consumerism, because it allows the freedom to buy stuff? That kind of mindset only leads to really ugly places. Google old photos of East Germany. Or current ones of me in a Speedo.

Relating the concerns over consumer choice, held by researcher Krishnam Savani from Columbia University, a Science Daily writer uses a secret phrase.

“He wonders if, in the long run, all those consumer choices might have a cumulative negative impact by making people less sympathetic towards others and less concerned about the collective good.”

Ah yes, the “collective good.” The two words that are but a single bud that flowers into fascism. The only way to ensure the collective good, is to limit choice, through coercion.

If only someone could enforce such an idea.

Is that a Columbia researcher raising his hand?

Thank God we have the choice to say, “up yours, jackass.”

And if you disagree with me, you’re probably Hitler.


Mike Baker

Lauren Sivan

Newcomer funny lady Veronica Mosey