The NCAA men’s basketball tournament is over, but the opportunity to see a well-coordinated full court press is not. Anyone who wants to can still see that kind of defense by watching the way members of the Left are positioning themselves to cut Donald Trump off at the pass.

Clearly, the host of “Celebrity Apprentice” has trod some ground no expected him to, and the strong reception to his message has the Left discombobulated (to say the least).

The first problem the Left faces with Trump is that he’s a known commodity. All of America knows him and, like him or not, they know he’s not a racist or a crazed member of the political fringe. He doesn’t pretend to be what he’s not, and he’s very confident in what he is. In this latter area he is actually reminiscent of Rush Limbaugh: a man who drives the Left crazy by remaining true to himself and actually knowing what he claims to know. (The Left hates certitude.)

The next problem the Left faces with Trump is the fact he has been a success in the private sector. Thus, were he to officially declare his candidacy, one of the first things Obama’s team would have to do is figure out how they can survive presidential debates where Trump will have the opportunity to contrast his real-world, business knowledge with the failed socialism Obama has pawned off as “hope and change.”

And another problem the Left has with Trump is the fact that he is not ashamed to say things other people think but never say. From asking why Obama has been unable to produce a birth certificate to wondering aloud if Obama is a Muslim to flatly saying Obama has given us “a terrible presidency,” Trump is vocalizing things many others are afraid to vocalize for fear of the backlash (unles you’re Chris Matthews).

Proof of the Left’s fear of Trump is evident in the way they’ve responded to his line of questions and strong opinions. Instead of explaining why there’s been no birth certificate, people like Gail Collins call Trump a “birther” to try to shame him into silence. They shield Obama on the religious issue by saying he’s a Christian because he prays. (Strangely, however, he doesn’t go to church or attend National Prayer Breakfasts.) And as for the “terrible presidency,” Obama has hired the great and powerful Al Sharpton to correct our understanding there.

Notice that in all these matters, and many others, the one thing the Left hasn’t been able to do is answer Trump’s questions head-on or prove his opinions invalid.

Moreover, their tactics have failed to accomplish the goal of shaming Trump into silence. For example, far from being quiet, Trump responded to Collins’ “birther” bit by saying: “I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent.”

The bottom line is this folks: Trump is taking no prisoners. Obama’s minions know it, and little yelpers like Collins figure it out quickly enough once they take a cheap shot at “The Don.”

Whether Trump runs for president or not, one thing is for sure: he’s smoking these little Lefties out of their holes and luring them into the open where they’re vulnerable to defeat at the hands of facts and evidence.

Trump is my kind of celebrity. I like what he’s doing, and I love the fact that Obama’s bunch of pinheads are quaking in their bootsies.