So, about not showing the photos…

I get it: The decision was based on choosing between two groups to placate: conspiracy freaks, or terrorists.

The Administration chose terrorists.

I respect the decision: terrorists are scarier than truthers.

But it’s wrong.

The argument – that the photo would piss off people who might then try to hurt people at our embassies – bugs me. I mean, you could use the same argument against engaging in any human activity, including killing bin Laden.

I’m sure that pissed off extremists. As does our friendship with Israel, our love for dogs, and music by the Black Eyed Peas.

So how will not releasing the photo affect those who tend toward conspiracies? Carney said they’re gunna think that way, no matter how much evidence you offer.

Meaning, the photos won’t make a difference.

But that same conclusion could very easily apply to extremists: photos won’t matter.

They hate us already.

So I’m thinking there’s some Islamophobia hiding in this decision – a fear of Muslims, or rather, offending them.

But it’s a mistake to conflate reasonable Muslims with radicals who want to kill us.

(an error, mind you that’s often blamed on the right. But here it is, at the White House.)

Carney said bin Laden was a mass murderer, not a Muslim leader. But this decision may clumsily say otherwise, leaving a small stain on one of the greatest moments in American history.

By the way, I have no doubt our awesome guys got bin Laden. I just want our enemies to feel the same way.


Joe Devito

Masha Saeidi Azcuy

and first timer from FNC, Kayleigh McEnany!