So some veteran journalists have piled on the current roster of White House correspondents, accusing them of being too nice to Captain Perfect.

This happened during a media shindig Monday, marking the 50th anniversary of the first live televised news conference by JFK.

Some blame the 24 hour news cycle for making press conferences less important and more staged.

Maybe so.

But I think these old coots are avoiding the real culprit behind these mundane conferences, and that is this: The press got their guy.

The media loved President Obama from the moment their gazes met from across the room. They accepted him unconditionally, for he is one of them: an academic liberal, progressive crusader, Democrat, West Wing fan, closet smoker.

On the other hand, he was the first black President – and you know how the media hates that sort of thing.

So all the smart folks (i.e. me and my masseuse antonio) knew, that from the start, Obama’s honeymoon would outlive most marriages.

For the media to turn on Obama, he’d have to renounce Lady Gaga or kitten videos.

That’s why watching a press conference, and expecting a “truth to power” moment, is like watching The View and expecting coherence.

Other than a mild risk-free display of angst for the sake of theater, forget about any kind of defiance. it’s just rude.

But the real folly is watching these old reporters criticizing the new crop for being timid.

Cuz something tells me they’d be doing the same thing.

They’re just mad they aren’t there to do it.

And if you disagree with me, you sir are worse than Hitler.


Jedidiah Bila

Veronica Mosey

John Devore

