How precious. It’s been several years now since I lived in San Francisco; forget about their irrational and childish politics- it’s almost possible to forget how thoroughly insane so-called ‘peace’ activists are.

From Philip Klein at the Washington Examiner we get a bizarre video clip from the proceedings of Move Over AIPAC– a production of the Israel-hating hags at Code Pink and several pro-jihad groups. What makes this particular event different from many of the Bay Area craziness I saw firsthand (cataloged brilliantly by the indefatigable Zombie at Zombietime) is the participation of two professors with intellectual pretensions, Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of The Israel Lobby. That book claims that US foreign policy is manipulated in Israel’s favor by a shadowy and sinister group of Jews. This thesis should sound familiar to you if (a) you’re an aficionado of Tzarist anti-Semetic fiction and well-known forgeries, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, (b) are a subscriber to any number of Arab newspapers, here or in the Middle East, (c) are a member of the House Progressive Caucus, or (d) attended with any regularly the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

From Klein at The Examiner:

The event, called Move Over AIPAC, features a faux brick wall to simulate the humilating checkpoints endured by Palestinians, and has a schedule that includes “nonviolence training,” “outdoor learning circles,” and a “justice festival.”

Below, you can watch video I shot of clown Patch Adams leading a rendition of the “underwear song” as seven people gather in what he calls the “world’s largest underwear.” When you’re watching, keep in mind two things. One, that I was compassionate enough to our readers to clip the earlier part of the video, in which Adams and several other protesters “mooned for peace.”


I’m certainly glad for one thing: that Helen Thomas- a scheduled keynote speaker at Move Over AIPAC- did not participate in the “mooning for peace.”