UPDATE: Due to her upcoming bus tour, Governor Palin has had to do some rescheduling. Rep. Michele Bachmann and “Northern Exposure” co-star Rob Morrow will be Janine’s guests Saturday.

If you build it, they will come.

I have been concerned about our Republic for years now. I have been bothered by the lack of true understanding about our Republic, and that included me! I read the Constitution again with my daughter during spring break a couple of years ago and afterwards felt compelled to reach for a more thorough understanding of our founding principles.

This led me to launch a foundation, “Constituting America” to share my enthusiasm about the relevancy of our founding documents and the necessity to make sure our youth had choices in their education about the “facts” in a non-partisan way. This is also true for adults.

I always knew that big government was not the answer but it wasn’t until I studied the Federalist Papers that I truly understood why. I further imprinted them into my psyche by writing 85 essays on the 85 Federalist Papers, that are now available on Constituting America’s website. It’s all there for us in the Constitution and the Federalist Papers; we just have to take the time to inquire. As John Adam’s said, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” If we, and our children, do not know our rights, then we will not know when they are taken away from us. I say, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge of the United States Constitution.”

I decided to start my own radio show podcast because I love to learn and I feel passionate about our country, America, which truly is the last great hope. I also started my own radio show because I feel as if I need to be doing something to try to “sound the alarm,” as Publius states in the Federalist Papers. Here I can express my opinion. So many of our nation’s youth and citizens are “default liberals,” to quote Andrew Breitbart, because they simply have no other realm of reasoning. Our culture currently limits choices, in the press, academia, movies and music. I, a person who has been a part of the show biz culture, feel a need to address this bias.

I am blessed because Richard Frish and Jim Graci at 570 KLIF were listening and they have offered me the fabulous opportunity to broaden my show beyond podcast media. I now have a slot for my show on Saturday nights at 10:00 pm Central on 570 KLIF. Yee haw! I am so excited. I hope, if you are reading this, that you will join me. It is live and you may call in!

My special guests for my debut show last week were Andrew Breitbart, Karl Rove, and Kelly Shackelford. This Saturday’s special guests embody an Alaskan theme, Governor Sarah Palin Rep. Michele Bachmann and my co-star from Northern Exposure, Rob Morrow.

The Janine Turner Show; American Exposure. Hollywood Flair, Washington Savvy, American True Grit. Come and join me! Tune in for the shows and join my LIVE “after-show” chats on my Facebook fan page. You may click the link on my website homepage to KLIF to listen to the show LIVE.

Toward the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin walked out of Independence Hall and a woman ran up to him and asked, “Sir, sir – what have you given us? A monarchy or a republic?” He replied, “A Republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.”

I want to keep it, don’t you?