Despite the insistence of clueless reporters like Patrick Goldstein, there is a Hollywood blacklist. Discrimination does exist. Goldstein doesn’t live the day-to-day life inside the studios, although he probably wishes he did. I’m sure he just takes the word of his sources — which are likely Liberals.

Simply put, if you are a Conservative, you are at the very least derided and, in some cases, prevented from being hired. I’ve heard and seen enough stories in my time to know this blacklist exists. The trouble with Hollywood, however, is that it does not do business the way the rest of the world does. It is much easier to prove discrimination in the real world because various employment protocols must be followed. In Hollywood, however, business is done in loosey-goosey fashion for a simple reason: nobody wants to be held accountable. If you are held accountable, you may lose your job, and you may never work again.

With Hollywood discrimination, it’s easy to avoid being held to account. You just say, “He was fired because he was unprofessional”. You say, “Her writing wasn’t good enough for the show”. You say, “He didn’t mesh with the other writers”. You say, “She was a disruptive presence on the set.” Because there are no codified standards, the reason for one’s employment or lack thereof are simply left to the whims of those in charge.

And those in charge are Liberals. And Liberals, as we know, despise Conservatives.

That is why Conservatives in Hollywood live in even greater fear than any other employee. In Hollywood, anyone can perform their job perfectly and still get fired. However, if one Liberal and one Conservative each performs their job perfectly, and one must be fired, the Conservative is the one who will be shown the door.

It’s time to expose the discrimination that exists in Hollywood, and shine the cold light of reality on the Liberals who pay lip service to tolerating all points of view.

If you believe you have experienced or witnessed discrimination towards Conservative individuals, their morals or ethics or beliefs, we’d like to hear from you. Send your story to You may submit your story anonymously or use your own name (though we prefer you use your own name — is it not “I’m Spartacus” time?). You may change whatever details you wish to protect your identity.

One thing we ask for, however, is that you NAME NAMES. The goal of this series is to expose those who discriminate. We want their faces to be known to every American who believes in true equality in the workplace.