Before “Going Rogue” was written by Sarah Palin, a friend of mine, who is a GOP strategist that advised the McCain-Palin campaign, told me he repeatedly suggested that the campaign run ads about Palin extolling her virtues as “the most popular Governor in America” – she had an 88% approval rating in Alaska – and highlighting her background and strong family. This, he said, would best introduce her to the American public.

Unfortunately, the campaign balked at this idea. My guess is that they didn’t want Palin overshadowing McCain anymore than she already had with the mammoth crowds she was attracting during the campaign.

After “Going Rogue” was published, I shared this information with Palin’s spokesman Meg Stapleton. We both agreed that “A View from Alaska” written by Alaskan Dewey Whetsell (that appears at the end of Going Rogue) was exactly the information the public needed to know the real Sarah Palin.

Whetsell, a retired firefighter, nailed it in describing Palin’s achievements. Even though he had never met Palin, he felt compelled to write about her accomplishments on his blog. He was angry about how she had been smeared by the media so he wrote the truth as he knew it. It quickly went viral in the Alaskan blogosphere and ended up in Palin’s mega best-selling book.

However, because there had been no TV ads about Palin during the Presidential campaign, the media had an unopposed chance to portray her as they saw fit. Thus, in the end, their perversions beat out the truth. But now Stephen Bannon’s biographical documentary titled “The Undefeated” is set to reverse these things, and give the truth its rightful place once more by introducing the real Sarah Palin to Americans who may have bought into the media hype.

I was fortunate to see a raw footage version of the movie at a private screening. There are lots of never-before seen photographs and family movies of a young Sarah Palin that are charming. Bannon, the movie’s writer and director, got these directly from Palin’s parents, Chuck and Sally Heath. (He thinks there are some photos and video in the film that even Palin hasn’t seen.)

“The Undefeated” is a moving documentary about a woman from Wasilla who has risen to great heights on her own merits unlike most politicians, who have family connections one way or another.

Palin, like her role model, Ronald Reagan, came from humble beginnings, was blessed with brains and believed in God Almighty and the United States of America. Palin, like Reagan, was ridiculed unmercifully by the media and Establishment elites: she continues to be ridiculed even now.

I asked Bannon why he chose the title “The Undefeated,” because Gov. Palin did lose her race for Lt. Governor, he said it was because Gov. Palin and her values have remained undefeated despite everything that she has endured. This is quite true and the movie provides ample evidence of it.

According to Bannon, “The Undefeated” is not a political film, but rather a story of true grit. Go see it and judge for yourself. Don’t be surprised if you come away with renewed respect for Palin, who remains undefeated in spirit and her principles.

NOTE: There will be two versions of the movie: PG-13 and X-rated. The X-rated version includes the vile and lewd pictures and video about Gov. Palin from those who hate her; truly reprehensible hatred from her detractors.