Former presidential candidate Herman Cain is going where no politician should go – the lion’s den known as “The Howard Stern Show.”

Cain, who recently suspended his campaign following accusations of both sexual misbehavior and a long-term affair, will sit down with the shaggy shock jock tomorrow, according to an announcement Stern made on the program earlier today.

It’s satellite radio, so the language could get spicy. But the bigger question is how Cain will handle one of the more curious interviewers in the industry. Stern, who leans left but can be hard to categorize politically, has been vociferous in his defense of Cain against the various charges. That won’t stop Stern from asking more challenging questions on the subject than most mainstream journalists.

The irony is that if Cain had successfully visited Stern’s studio before dropping out of the race he could have done some damage control on his embattled campaign.

Now, their chat will be a curiosity – and not much more. That’s assuming this isn’t a stunt, which is always possible when Stern is involved.