Hollywood uber-producer Harvey Weinstein knows how to grab headlines.

The hard-charging executive is famous for his aggressive, and successful, Oscar movie campaigns. So when he picked up “Butter,” an indie film satirizing the GOP, Weinstein decided to invite Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann to an early screening.

Looks like that move backfired – big time.

Bachmann just pulled out of the GOP presidential race, and by the time “Butter” hits theaters this Spring the congresswoman won’t be in the headlines anymore.

The film itself might need all the help it can get, marketing wise.

Early “Butter” reviews paint it as a clumsy swipe at the Right, one lacking the finesse of great satires like “Best in Show.”

Here’s Entertainment Weekly’s Lisa Schwarzbaum tearing into the film:

the movie has the backfiring effect of making its liberal core audience look just as smug, self-righteous, and condescending as conservative opposition insists it is….

Representative Bachmann might do well to screen the thing for her followers as an example of everything she’s fighting against. She’d gain more support than that publicity stunt could have imagined.