OK, David Cross, we get it. You really, really wish you hadn’t signed on for “Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.”

Cross has been more than vocal about how much he hated both filming the new kiddie flick as well as the finished project. But when he sat down on the Team Coco couch last night, Cross found a new way to insult the film’s executive producer.


“In all honesty it was the most miserable experience I’ve ever had in my professional life.” The star, who was raised Jewish but now identifies as an Atheist, then made a comment that could raise a firestorm — if he weren’t a comedian and crossing a line weren’t his job.

Complaining that he was forced “at legal gunpoint” to spend a week on a cruise ship to film scenes in which he is covered, head to toe, in a pelican mascot costume, Cross called the exec behind the awful ocean ride “The personification of what people think about when they think negatively about Jews.”

The Huffington Post’s account of the exchange tried to do some damage control on Cross’ behalf:

“…then made a comment that could raise a firestorm — if he weren’t a comedian and crossing a line weren’t his job.”

That didn’t prevent Tracy Morgan from getting slapped around by GLAAD, did it? How about Michael Richards? Anyone seen him lately?

Cross’ liberal bona fides and hard-left stand-up shtick should be all the protection he needs against anyone riled by those comments. Just look at Bill Maher, who makes offensive statements almost weekly via his HBO series “Real Time with Bill Maher.” The PC Police never so much as knock on Maher’s door even when he mocks Sarah Palin’s youngest child. Maher’s value to the Left likely offers him all the protection he’ll ever need.

Morgan and Richards may be liberal, but neither is known for his political identity.