Perhaps now Hollywood celebrities will discover what the rest of the country already has – those Occupy Wall Street types are pretty gamey up close.

The Occupy movement seems to be dying down, witness the pathetic showings at recent OWS-style events and its cash woes.

That isn’t stopping OWS enthusiasts from staging the first-ever Occupy Sundance film festival in Park City Utah – the same location where Robert Redford holds his annual movie fest dedicated to giving indie artists a voice – and some pretty neat swag. Each of the films playing at Occupy Sundance will relate directly to a movement known for mass arrests, destruction of public property and incoherency.

After all, as the festival’s web site points out, “of the 11,700 films submitted this year to Sundance, 180 were accepted=1%.” Maybe the 99 percent are just frustrated filmmakers unable to win over those Sundance gate keepers.

Occupy Sundance claims it doesn’t want to disrupt Redford’s festival, but one only has to witness the seething class envy already displayed by OWS to predict some clashes between Occupiers and Hollywood elite.

Visitors to Occupy Sundance, which begins tomorrow and runs through Jan. 29, can see the following features:

“Occupy Wall Street: The Revolution is Love” by Ian Mackenzie

“Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street” by Steven Greenstreet

“That Which We Occupy” by At the Hop Productions

“Where Do We Go From Here” by Ed David

“No One Can Predict the Moment of Revolution” by Iva Radivojevic

“Occupy Wall St: The Revolution Is Inspiring” by Tim Schwartz