Robert Redford is angry about the current state of Hollywood.

Why doesn’t the government subsidize artists and bring edgy, envelope pushing fair to the masses, cries Redford.

Redford shared his State of the Movie Union thoughts this week during the kick off to his successful Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. An event which began as a way to give power to independent films is now a place where major deals go down, sizable swag gets handed out and some of the biggest movie stars on the planet huddle to seize their next film roles.

As the founder of the festival, which showcases and gives opportunities to independent filmmakers, Redford hit at politicians who prefer to help big budget studios that toe conservative lines and present little risk….

Redford continued his attack, alluding to state-sponsored film funds in Europe and other countries that help filmmakers produce their movies, despite potentially risque messages.

“For years and years and years, you’ve all experienced what we had to live with, the fact that other countries are far more supportive of their artists than we are,” the Oscar-winning actor and director continued. “But when you have congressional narrow-minded people, people who are afraid of change when change is the only thing that succeeds, the only thing we know is going to happen is that things are going to change.

Here’s part of your answer, Sundance Kid. The masses don’t want to see independent films as much as they crave “Transformers VIII.” The people vote with their movie tickets, and while there’s not a thing wrong with a microscopic indie film, we prefer popcorn excitement.

And, more importantly, if Redford’s peers didn’t demand multimillion dollar salaries, perhaps the cost of modern filmmaking wouldn’t be quite so sky high. Has Redford asked Johnny Depp why he pockets so much coin for the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, and how it might impact the franchise if Depp chose a less gaudy salary for each installment?

Studios often can’t take risks on star-laden features because said stars demand salaries that put the film’s return on investment in serious jeopardy.