Entertainment Weekly does a very thorough job covering Hollywood, albeit from a consistently left of center viewpoint. Its attempts at humor are typically less successful – and more ideologically strident.

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The magazine’s “Movie Poster Makeover” feature on page 52 (link not available) includes six faux posters for Oscar-bait films and what they truly want to say. For “J. Edgar,” the poster reads, “Please Nominate Me: I’ll Take Anything.” The one-sheet for “Beginners” reads, “Old Gay Man Wins Oscar.”

The pretend poster for “The Iron Lady,” the biopic of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,” calls the film “Total Bitch.” The tag line above the image of Streep reads, “Crippled Our Nation: Stole Our Milk.”

Ha. Ha.

“It’s all in good fun,” says creator Ali Gray in the article.

Who cares if it’s cruel to a woman currently suffering from the ravages of old age, let alone inaccurate?