In 2001, I wrote a film for Showtime called “Brotherhood of Murder”, based on the book of the same name by Tom Martinez and John Guinther. The film stars William Baldwin, Peter Gallagher and Kelly Lynch. Director Martin Bell did a superb job of translating script to screen.

“Brotherhood” is the true story of The Order, white supremacists who murdered Jewish talk show host Alan Berg and committed several bank robberies.

Tom Martinez was an uneducated, unemployed veteran who fell in with the group but was never involved in any violence. Eventually, Tom became disillusioned and turned informer for the FBI. I spent a good deal of time talking on the phone with Tom, who lives with his family under the federal witness protection program. In one of our most memorable conversations–they were all memorable, since Tom used to be a hardcore Jew-hater and I’m an Orthodox Jew–Tom told me how Reverend Miles, an early leader of the group, convinced the budding membership that all their problems could be traced to a single source.

Here’s the scene as I wrote it and as it appears so effectively in the film:

A kindly old man, Reverend Miles, speaks to the group. His voice is soothing, his demeanor calm.

Miles: “… this government no longer looks out for your interests. This is a government which looks out for quote unquote, the minorities, the disadvantaged. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m proud of being a Christian. Anything wrong with being proud of your race, your religion? Of course not. But when we say it, we’re labelled racists, hate mongers. When they say it, it’s called black pride. Why, they’re going to be teaching it in the universities before too long. I say it’s time for the white man to stand proud. I say it’s time for us to tell the Zionist Occupied Government that we won’t pay for drug addicts to get high, we won’t pay for their women to have one baby after another, and we won’t pay them not to work. We won’t do it because it is not fair. You listening to me? It’s not complicated. Say to yourself: It’s not fair.”

Camera moves in on Tom’s face as he repeats the mantra.

This is a big moment in his life. He’s seen the light and he is radiant with comprehension.

In the name of fairness, anything can be justified. That was the spine of the scene. And that is the spine of the left’s political philosophy. The fairness ideology is not just immoral, but it is dangerous.