Seth MacFarlane, the creative force behind animated TV shows like Fox’s “Family Guy,” tweeted this on hearing about Andrew Breitbart’s passing.

“All politics aside, @AndrewBreitbart was a fun guy to have a drink with. He shoulda stuck around longer”

This is a story Andrew loved to tell. I can’t tell it in Andrew’s voice, but it’s still worth hearing

Last year, Andrew was scheduled to be a guest on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” alongside MacFarlane. Breitbart was a little worried because he knew that any appearance on the Maher show put him solidly behind enemy lines, and the quick-witted MacFarlane might see it as a chance to use Breitbart as a comedic punching bag.

Normally, Andrew loved being attacked by the Hollywood left, but there was a twist here – “Family Guy” was Breitbart’s 12-year-old son’s favorite TV show. If Breitbart was attacked by MacFarlane–particularly if MacFarlane decided to “go nuclear” and use the voice of “Family Guy” characters life Stewie or Peter Griffin–Andrew would be humiliated at home. Andrew even called Rush Limbaugh, who had recently done a guest voice appearance on “Family Guy” for advice, but El Rushbo told Andrew that he didn’t think he had anything to worry about.

Still, Andrew was worried. As the live show went to air, Maher was doing a segment on one side of the stage while Breitbart and MacFarlane sat on the other side of the stage in semi-darkness. Andrew watched as MacFarlane pulled out a flask from his pocket and took a swig … and then offered the flask to Breitbart. Was this a set-up for some elaborate MacFarlane prank? No time to think, Breitbart accepted and took a drink of whiskey.

The segment came and went without a hitch. MacFarlane didn’t launch any below the belt attacks on Breitbart, and at the after party for the show, he offered Andrew another round from his flask.

“I’m glad you didn’t lay into me,” Breitbart told the animation mogul. “My son is a huge fan of ‘Family Guy,’ and he would have sided with you.”

“Where’s your son now?” MacFarlane asked.

Andrew said that he was sleeping over at a friend’s house.

“Call him,” said MacFarlane.

So Andrew called his son and handed the phone to MacFarlane, who proceeded to spend 10 incredible minutes talking to the boy as all his different characters from “Family Guy” in a tour de force personal performance that left both father and son Breitbart in awe.

After MacFarlane said goodbye, Andrew told him “I critique Hollywood liberal culture for a living, but you now have a free pass for the rest of your life. Thank you.”

People can very good sometimes. Here’s a toast to MacFarlane, all politics aside. You gave someone a good memory about the father who loved them that will last a lifetime. Thank you for being decent.