Had Sarah Palin pursued the GOP nomination this year, one many believe she could have won given the field, “Game Change” producer Tom Hanks positioned himself to both capitalize on it and lead the opposition to her in the general election.

The new President Barack Obama “documentary” Hanks narrates is apparently such a spin on that word even the media is putting it in quotes.

It’s as slick as any commercial Hollywood production. And it’s about as much a “documentary” as a campaign speech by Joe Biden.

From the giant American flag fluttering over a cheering crowd in the opening scene to the dramatic recounting of the Navy SEAL raid that took out Osama bin Laden to Hanks’ narration, “The Road We’ve Traveled” is undeniably a state-of-the-art pitch for the president.

It’s also been reported that the top stars and executives involved in the Palin smear film, “Game Change,” have given $200,000 to Democrats and liberal causes over the years. They’ve added nothing to Republican coffers during the same period.

“Game Change” producer and Obama narrator Hanks’ contributions are listed, among others, at NewsBusters.

Producer Hanks has donated more than $100,000 to the Democratic party, and since 1994, gave $36,500 to liberal causes like Midwest Values Pac, founded by Democratic Sen. Al Franken. Republican and conservative donations: Zero.