I grew up watching “Saturday Night Live” – at least when I was able to stay awake long enough to catch it.

My mind has changed dramatically about the legendary sketch show in recent months. I’ve just about had it with a comedy program that declares the President of the United States comedically untouchable while slamming the GOP week after week, opening sketch after opening sketch.

So when news broke that presumptive GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is mulling an invite to appear on “SNL”, I was torn.

Sure, I’d love to see Romney flash some of that humor his wife, Ann Romney, keeps telling us he has. And it’s often good for candidates to let down their guard and enjoy a less pressurized media moment.

He still shouldn’t accept the show’s invitation.

Both Sarah Palin and John McCain appeared on the program during the height of the 2008 presidential campaign, and we know how their ticket fared. More importantly, Romney’s appearance on the show won’t coax “SNL” scribes to pen more stinging sketches about Obama. The writers have made it crystal clear where they stand on the GOP and Obama, and a guest spot by Romney won’t change that.

Plus, Romney’s appearance would mainly serve as a PR stunt for the show and its cast members. Aw, they aren’t so bad, they even gave Romney a big, hearty welcome when he came on their show. Frankly, the “SNL” troupe should be ashamed for their collective bias. Who cares if they can swallow their loathing for the GOP long enough to eke out a ratings bump from a Romney appearance?

Romney will have more than enough opportunity to show his funny side. Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” couch is always open, and presidential candidates have endless hours of press interviews where they can flash their wit.

An argument could be made that “SNL” and its mainstream media sidekicks will turn Romney’s “thanks, but no thanks” response into a new meme. He’s a coward who can’t handle live television comedy, or he holds a grudge for all those snarky sketches about him.

Romney can turn the tables on that effort, saying he’s simply too busy assembling his future staff and talking to regular Americans to lose several key days memorizing the script.

And, ultimately, we aren’t electing a Comic in Chief. President Barack Obama could have a killer punch line for any occasion, but his sorry record and ability to shatter nearly every campaign promise from 2008 means he’s not worthy of re-election.