Bloggers from all over the country met in Charlotte, North Carolina, over the weekend for a two-day conference sponsored by FreedomWorks and the Franklin Center. It was a time to catch up with old friends, make new ones, exchange ideas and pay tribute to Andrew Breitbart.

Appropriately, part of Friday’s tribute featured the first 30 minutes or so of Breitbart News Chairman Stephen K. Bannon’s upcoming documentary, “Occupy Unmasked,” a work in progress that unspooled before a packed house.

The documentary was not only one of Breitbart’s passion projects, but he is prominently featured on-camera throughout as one of the primary narrators taking you through the history of the Occupy movement. It’s another opportunity to see Andrew do what he did best: connect the narrative dots. In the case of Occupy, those dots connect from the movement’s origins straight through the mainstream media and up to the White House and Barack Obama.

Though still a rough cut, and only the first-act of what will be a full-length feature, the preview showing Occupy in all of its anti-American, socialist, and violent left-wing glory was enough to bring a packed house to its feet for a long standing ovation.

Here’s the trailer:

While the first round of the Occupy movement pretty much fizzled, thanks to the efforts of Andrew Breibart and New Media, “Occupy Unmasked” will be a vital document when Occupy reconstitutes this spring — which it has promised to do.