Movie producer Harvey Weinstein is a well known supporter of President Barack Obama – both with his mouth and his wallet.

Now, Weinstein is hoping one of his new films will do its part to invigorate Obama’s re-election campaign in the fall.

“Butter,” a Weinstein production which mocks a Tea Party-type trying to win a butter sculpting conference, has been slated for an Oct. 5 release date, according to both and The latter site says the film’s original March release date was scrapped.

Wonder why?

Just check out Entertainment Weekly‘s review of the movie which hit the film festival circuit last year:

…for my vote, the movie has the backfiring effect of making its liberal core audience look just as smug, self-righteous, and condescending as conservative opposition insists it is … Any allusions to Sarah Palin and Barack Obama are strictly intentional, especially since Garner plays around with a Palinesque voice and accent.

Weinstein tried to rally support behind the film months ago by inviting then presidential candidate Michele Bachmann to screen the film herself. Weinstein remains a consumate promoter, typically able to snare headlines to suit his project’s needs.

That attempt appears to have fizzled, especially since Bachmann’s presidential campaign never caught fire. Now, the producer is depositing “Butter” into the waning days of the presidential campaign, and he’ll certainly get his fair share of fawning reviews, plus a coterie of opinion columnists using the film to hammer away at the right.