Robert Downey Jr., unlike our current president, knows how to give credit where it’s due. Appearing at the Tribeca Film festival in New York City for a screening of his new film “The Avengers,” Downey Jr. classily dedicated the film to the “real heroes” of 9/11, the emergency workers of New York City.

Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, echoed Downey’s sentiments, saying:

We are proud that Marvel’s “The Avengers” is the closing film of this year’s Tribeca Film Festival and we are excited to welcome local heroes to the screening as special guests… when it really counts, it’s our real-life heroes who save the world every day by making it a better place for all of us.

Apparently, if Downey Jr. were president (and we could, and have, done far worse) he would have given credit to the SEALs for killing Osama Bin Laden. And there is even stronger evidence that President Barack Obama would not appeal to him; in 2008, Downey Jr. admitted to a New York Times reporter that he was, indeed, a political conservative:

I have a really interesting political point of view, and it’s not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here, but you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal. You can’t. I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educational for me and has informed my proclivities and politics every since.   

Considering that our current president is intent on destroying our system of creating wealth, and the country is careening from the wealthiest country on earth toward the cliffs of poverty, mirroring Downey Jr’s own journey, at which point will the country have the same kind of epiphany that he did?