The folks behind the new documentary “#ReGeneration,” a film applauding the rise of Occupy Wall Street, probably thought this week was an ideal time to preview their film.

After all, yesterday’s May Day celebrations were designed to mark the return of OWS in all its capitalist-crashing glory.

Instead, the crowds were puny, the violence intensified and several members of Occupy Cleveland were accused of planning to blow up a bridge.

Kind of turns the old saw about any publicity being good publicity on its ear.

The film, narrated by Ryan Gosling, inspires young people that they can indeed affect change in the country. “#ReGeneration” features a who’s who of far-left advocates, from Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky to the rapper/actor formerly known as Mos Def.

“#ReGeneration” is supposed to screen tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Los Angeles, but the screening requires at least 100 people vowing to be there. So far, the appointment page is two guests short. The film also hits iTunes and other Video on Demand services tomorrow – just in case the L.A. screening gets scrapped for lack of interest.