Sylvester Stallone refuses to act his age, and he’s got plenty of company.

In “Expendables 2,” coming in August, the older action guard comes out in force. Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme are all a part of the mayhem. Maybe Jeff Speakman had a prior engagement?

Stallone seems bored selling the project during his brief introduction, but the trailer itself features all the action a Stallone-aholic could crave.

Once again, it looks like the youngsters (Jason Statham, Jet Li) do most of the acrobatic action while the old timers fire … and fire … and fire some more.

The clip’s big moment, from a pop culture perspective, is when Schwarzenegger barks, “I’m back.” But the line comes out flat, as if even he knew how corny it would sound following his days as the Governator. The rest of the dialogue is equally wince-inducing, but if the bare-knuckled thrills from the first film are copied and pasted in part 2, most, if not all, will be forgiven.