A few weeks ago, I wrote, “End the Occupation: Conservatism on the Offensive.” In it I wrote about how it’s time for conservatives to fight back in popular culture. Well, I now have launched a site called “Liberate Liberty,” and the fight back begins.

Click on over to Liberate Liberty for more information on the project (and the name) and then contact me if you are a professional artist or author and would like to market your art or writings for free. And please take a look at my tribute to Andrew Breitbart, someone who impacted my world.

Some have declared the Occupy movement dead. I don’t think it is. I think the movement became dormant over the winter but now that the warm weather is coming back, the Occupy movement will return in one form or another. Time will tell who is right.

But whatever the case with the Occupy movement, it is long past time for conservatives to go our separate way from the establishment Big Culture and create our own culture. New media offers many opportunities to do so. Liberate Liberty is intended to promote the art and writings of those conservatives and libertarians who have embraced these opportunities.

I will be doing my part to be part of a new conservative culture industry. I’m working on my own short story called, “We’re Too Busy Working,” which I plan to preview at Liberate Liberty before I e-publish it.

I look forward to seeing where this goes. Maybe it works; maybe it fails. But either way it demonstrates the free market. And I look forward to seeing what conservative and libertarian artists and authors we can discover, promote, and unleash upon the culture.