Mussy-haired singer Ben Folds doesn’t like talking politics to the press.

He lifted his self-imposed political ban for The Huffington Post and showed why he typically keeps mum about the latest headlines.

The talented singer/songwriter couldn’t contain himself when asked about his home state of North Carolina overwhelmingly voting against gay marriage earlier this month.

Having been born and raised in North Carolina, what are your thoughts on your home state’s recent constitutional ban on gay marriage?

It’s embarrassing. I don’t believe that the population of people that I know [in North Carolina] agree with that. Everyone is confounded, even the right-leaning people that I know feel like it’s financially irresponsible. It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t like talking about politics publicly, but I think a lot of this is a result of corporations being people. When you can buy anything you want, we don’t know how that result came about any more. I’ve talked to one unnamed Senator recently who told me, about three weeks ago, to expect stuff like that in North Carolina. Basically, one man and his company spent 11 million dollars and bought the political system in North Carolina. It probably has something to do with that, but it never was like that before.

The article goes on to note Folds’ support for President Barack Obama, who until last week shared the same view of marriage as the majority of citizens in North Carolina.