The Green Party has a candidate running for its presidential slot who embodies the elite, intelligent image the party likes to cultivate – Roseanne Barr. Stop laughing.

Roseanne doesn’t want you to laugh. Although punk pioneer and previous Green Oval Office candidate Jello Biafra advised Barr to “use your humor,” Barr has lately eschewed using her sophisticated wit, such as “sending billionaires to the guillotine” or lambasting Ann Romney: “Mrs. Mitt Romney claims to have worked her toned ass off, raising five Romney males all on her own, as privileged wives often do … but, no, Ann, I call bulls**t on your Big Mama story, girlfriend.”

Barr spoke Saturday night, claiming sympatico with the lower income earners because of her modest beginnings — even though she owns a $1.7 million, 46-acre macadamia nut farm in Hawaii. (That Roseanne owns a nut farm seems poetic, in its way.)

The Left fears what happened in 2000, when Ralph Nader took enough of the liberal vote to derail Al Gore’s presidential run. This time the Green Party just wants to send a message to Obama to girl up; they want their members to register for the Green Party but vote for Obama, thus encouraging him to move to the left even farther.