Daily Mail:

It was the most lavish party in Cannes, with tickets going for a whopping $7,500 a pop.

But Sean Penn didn’t let the prestigious tone of the Haiti: Carnival In Cannes gala stop him from turning the air blue with some carefully chosen words during a speech on behalf of his Haitian Relief Organisation.

The actor stunned guests including Ewan McGregor, Gerard Butler, Diane Kruger and Jessica Chastain with his expletive-ridden speech, which he confessed was made ‘under the influence of vodka.’

Penn, 51, made a rambling delivery, jokingly questioning why some of the A-list guests were at the charity gala’when you have people to f***’ at other parties.

He then praised fellow Haiti fund raiser Paul Haggis, ‘even though he was a Canadian whose parents included a man, a woman and a tree.’

He added: ‘F*** ’em if people say you’re just writing a cheque, but you’re making a change’.

He continued that Haiti should be helped because it was just an hour away from ‘the richest f***ing country in the world’.

Penn may have had a tipple or two, or three, but he was impassioned about supporting the people of Haiti although he said people had to ‘fight the f*** out of politics’ to get things done.

The rant continued when he demanded that guests bid for auction items.

‘I want you to stay here and listen to the auction and beat the s*** out of each other to purchase them.’

The actor , who wore glasses as he made his speech, continued his blue streak.

He instructed women: ‘Tell the man next to you, “I’m not going to f*** you tonight unless you pay the f*** up.’

Full piece here.