In a scene similar to the 2012 Kid’s Choice Awards, Michelle Obama, her two daughters, and a posse of Secret Service agents recently took a 24-minute flight from Washington to Atlantic City to see Beyoncé strut her post-baby stuff at the ritzy Revel Resorts.

From the get-go, Mrs. and Mrs. Jay-Z have been big Barack Obama supporters. Beyoncé sang Etta James’ “At Last” for the couple’s first dance at the 2009 inaugural ball, and since then the President has even invited the gazillionaire rapper and his bodacious wife into the bowels of the intelligence management control center of the White House.

After making a “Let’s Move” video for the First Lady and designing “Runway to Win” T-shirts for Obama’s 2012 campaign, feeling the love and on a first-name basis with “Michelle,” Beyoncé recently felt moved to write a spontaneous open letter to Mrs. Obama, whom she called “the ultimate example of a strong African American woman.”

Michelle responded by admitting to People magazine that, “Gosh, if I had some gift, I’d be Beyoncé. I’d be some great singer.”

Besides slighting Oprah Winfrey, the ongoing rush of reciprocal appreciation between the two couples gives new meaning to the words of Beyoncé’s hit song “Love on Top,” which says “You’re the one I can always call. When I need you make everything stop. Finally you put my love on top.”

To keep the non-stop love volley going, Michelle Obama followed up the People interview by deciding to leave her husband home and jet off to Atlantic City to support her idol Beyoncé at the glamorous chanteuse’s first concert since giving birth to Ivy Blue back in January.

Michelle Obama, outfitted in a shiny green dress, entered Ovation Hall and “made her way to her seat,” greeted with a “roaring cheer” matched only by the crowd’s affection for the star of the show.

In response to the First Lady being in the audience, someone yelled out, “This is history!” It certainly is -Michelle Obama is the first First Lady ever to refer to a 30-year-old pop singer with a “modern showgirl look” as someone she looks up to.

Mrs. Obama surely wasn’t disappointed, because the concert was an over-the-top Beyoncé-fest featuring large screens showing close-ups of the diva’s various body parts. In fact, Michelle Obama probably felt right at home, because Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” Jumbotron narcissism is rivaled only by the narcissist Michelle Obama lives with.

According to reports, Michelle, Sasha and Malia Obama appeared excited throughout the performance and even sang along with 5,500 screaming fans while the energetic Beyoncé flung her sopping wet locks all over the stage.

Mrs. Jay-Z wowed the crowd in a get-up that sported 500,000 Swarovski crystals and shoes that matched her hot pink fingernails. Those half-million crystals come to 91 for every person in attendance, with a few extra for Governor Chris Christie, who was reported to be somewhere in the crowd. In dollars and cents, just one of Beyoncé’s show costumes would probably pay the salaries of quite a few unemployed 99 percenters.

During the show, the “bootylicious” Beyoncé sang songs that seemed purposely chosen with the President and First Lady in mind. For example, she opened the night with the upbeat tune “End of Time” which, thanks to Barack Obama, many Americans are convinced they’re living through. Then she belted out a “Let’s Move”-ish tune, “Get Me Bodied,” after which she paid homage to Barack and Michelle’s first-and-hopefully-only-term accomplishment with the song “Party.”

During her 24-song performance the superstar honored the late Whitney Houston with “I Will Always Love You” and gave a “shout-out” to recently deceased/politically-incorrect conservative/Christian Donna Summer while singing a song called “Naughty Girl.” Always the creative entertainer, Beyoncé even managed to unintentionally affirm Obama’s most recent public evolution when she sang her hit song, “If I Were a Boy.”

The shapely singer/dancer admitted that she’d had 60 post-partum pounds to lose, saying, “Y’all don’t know how hard I had to work … they had me on the treadmill, eating lettuce.”

While Beyoncé didn’t choose to reveal who “they” were, her humble confession probably did America’s First Hula-Hooping/salad-eating Lady proud.

Beyoncé closed the glitzy one-woman extravaganza by wishing the audience well. In fact, in a roundabout way she even managed to slip in some support for her BFF’s husband’s “share the wealth” tax policy when she said, “I hope y’all win a lot of money tonight.”

Beyoncé’s parting comment was met with yet another enthusiastic round of applause from an adoring Atlantic City crowd who apparently didn’t realize what they were clapping for – or did realize – but were more than willing to fork over half those potential winnings in taxes.