Andrew Breitbart understood the power and problematic nature of Hollywood’s liberal agenda.

But conservative storytellers would be making a mistake by emulating their liberal peers.

So says conservative pundit Ed Driscoll, echoing the themes espoused by Breitbart regarding the Hollywood message machine:

The anti-Iraq War movies of the late Bush era were notorious bombs at the box office. Why? Their creators were more interested in agitprop than entertainment….

There were powerful themes that drove the American films of Hollywood’s golden era, whether it was one man fighting against the odds to save his homestead in the American westerns, or the dissipated men and women of the film noir era, fallen because they’ve abandoned God and morality. But these messages were subordinated to hard-hitting action and intense drama….

If conservative film and TV makers want to make headway recapturing the ground that, as Andrew Breitbart told Peter Robinson, their predecessors abandoned without much of a fight in the late ’60s and early 1970s (or steal a little of Hollywood’s lunch via YouTube, Roku, and other alternative means of distribution), they’ll have to put entertaining ahead of teaching.