The 1987 film “RoboCop” did much more than introduce a half man, half robot crime-fighting machine. The movie also tore into corporate malfeasance, leavening the social commentary with a healthy sense of humor.

“I’d buy that for a dollar!”

The upcoming “RoboCop” reboot, slated for a 2013 release, looks ready to target corporations once more. That’s hardly a shock given the modern movie climate, where big businessmen are routinely cast as villains and corporations work overtime as generic hot spots for hate.

Here’s rising star Joel Kinnaman (“Easy Money”) telling Indie Wire what audiences might see in the new RoboCop.”

Can we expect a cynical take on America’s corporate greed, akin to what Paul Verhoeven did so slyly did with the first installment?

I definitely think there’s a sense of that that Jose will bring to it too. There is definitely a political satire embedded in the action story, and that’s something I like very much about the original.

The original “RoboCop” featured a bravura turn by Peter Weller as the doomed police officer who comes back from the grave as an automaton who retains his human soul. Can the reboot replicate such a powerful lead role and be nimble enough to weave anti-corporate themes into the narrative?

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