Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was released last month. Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln is due in December. And as if moviegoers weren’t already getting a crash course in Honest Abe, a new movie, Saving Lincoln, has just completed production and is shopping for a distributor.

Director Salvador Litvak’s film, the newest entry in the Lincoln sweepstakes, tells the story of the 16th president of the United States through the eyes of his bodyguard, U.S. Marshall Ward Hill Lamon. Tom Amandes, who appeared as Dr. Pelikan on Parenthood, plays Lincoln, while Lea Coco (The Client List) plays Lamon. The cast also includes Penelope Ann Miller as Mary Todd Lincoln[.] …

To shoot the period piece on an indie budget, Litvak used a process he calls CineCollage, using historical photos, many from the Library of Congress, as the backdrops for the scenes in which the actors were placed via green screen. “In the wake of movies like Sin City and 300, I realized we could use the photos to replace physical sets,” Litvak said. “Further possibilities for CineCollage are unlimited, particularly for subjects that can exploit well-photographed periods and locations.”

Full story here.

The film’s website is here.

Ed. Note: Salvador Litvak and I share the same literary manager –JN