The upcoming documentary “Occupy Unmasked” is getting the kind of promotional push too rarely received by right-of-center films.

The movie, directed by Steve Bannon and featuring the late Andrew Breitbart, tells the story of the chaotic, destructive Occupy Wall Street movement. The message hardly fits the standard theatrical template, which routinely sides with or sympathizes with the bedraggled protesters seeking their “fair” share of the one percent’s cash.

That didn’t matter to Mark Cuban, whose company is bringing the film to both theaters and VOD outlets.

It’s a chance for conservative audiences to support a film they can actually see without having to hop on a jet or travel for hours in their car. Video on Demand services are changing the way audiences access independent films, allowing folks in smaller towns the same chance to see cutting edge movies their big city peers enjoy.

Should “Occupy Unmasked” thrive, it will do more than give audiences a look at OWS they won’t find in mainstream media outlets. It could crack open the door for like-minded filmmakers to finally make movies the country can see.