President Barack Obama has been everywhere the last three-plus years, from court side at NCAA games to the set of “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.”

The screenwriter behind the upcoming film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden says Obama won’t be seen on screen when the movie opens in December.

But screenwriter Mark Boal said the film is a non-political account of the actions of the undercover operatives who hunted down bin Laden and eventually killed him. Obama is not even a character in the movie, he said….

“The film has no partisan agenda,” Boal said.

“The suggestions otherwise are from people who are clueless about the film. This is about black ops operatives who carried out the secret hunt for UBL (bin Laden). It’s not about the president.

“There’s no actor running around playing Obama in our movie,” he added.

The project came under fire due to allegations the White House leaked classified information to the filmmakers in order to boost Obama’s re-election chances. The film was originally scheduled to hit theaters in October, not December.