Former “Growing Pains” star Kirk Cameron is coming to the defense of fellow pro-lifer Rep. Todd Akin.

The Miss. politician, whose comments regarding “legitimate rape” and a woman’s alleged ability to prevent a rapist from impregnating her ignited a firestorm on both the Left and the Right, has an ally in the actor.

“He clearly is a pro-life advocate, and for that, I respect him,” said the former “Growing Pains” star, speaking on CNN’s “Starting Point.” “He said that he misspoke and that he misphrased something and that he apologized….”

Cameron, who now works in the world of film and television, often producing material with a religious bent, emphasized the importance of watching the entire clip of Akin’s interview.

“…By watching the entire video, I get the sense there that this is a guy who is defending life and he wants to go to all lengths he can to protect the life of the unborn,” Cameron said. “And I think that’s the message that comes through when I watch his video.”