The summer’s big movie sleeper continues to confound conventional wisdom.

Not only has “2016: Obama’s America” earned more than $2 million at the box office so far – a very respectable figure for a documentary-style release – the movie is currently ranked number one in ticket sales at

Breitbart News reached out to the movie mega-site and can report “2016” ticket purchases represent 35 percent of all sales on the site.

Granted, the film isn’t facing any significant new competition like “The Dark Knight Rises” or “Battleship” this weekend. Its biggest sales threat is the bicycle messenger flick “Premium Rush” starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Still, for a conservative documentary to lead the sales pack is an impressive feat and speaks to some seriously positive word of mouth.

“2016” expands from 169 to roughly 1,000 screens this weekend. The latter figure is roughly a third of what most mainstream movies enjoy in their first few weeks of release.