Country singer John Rich on Tuesday assailed musician and Obama supporter Clay Aiken for sending a “racist” and “idiotic” tweet about Republicans on Tuesday.

Aiken (@ClayAiken), while watching the Republican National Convention with his brother, tweeted about a prejudiced drinking game he was playing. 

“We drink every time we see a black person on screen at the RNC convention,” Aiken tweeted. 

He then added the Twitter hashtag, “#soberasamormon,” indicating he had not seen any minorities on his television screen.

Rich (@johnrich) took to Twitter and wrote Aiken should be “ashamed for racist comments like that” and wondered how long it would take until Aiken took down his “idiotic” post.

“Clay, you’re better than that…I hope,” Rich tweeted. 

Rich then sent out another tweet in which he displayed displeasure and frustration at the false notion, perpetuated by liberals and their mainstream media allies, that Republicans are not diverse. 

“Between the hashtag ‘negrospotting’ and what I’ve read ever since, I’ve just had enough of this racist nonsense,” Rich tweeted, in reference to a Twitter game liberals were playing.  “It’s sick. PLS STOP.”

Condoleeza Rice, an African-American, was one of the most prominent speakers on Tuesday at the RNC. Unless Aiken was watching ABC, which aired less than two minutes of Rice’s impressive speech, his tweet was without merit. 

Aiken’s and Rice’s tweets — and their twitter exchange — can be seen below.