Dinesh D’Souza is used to harsh reviews.

The conservative author fights on the ideological battle front, and he knows whatever he says will be held up to scrutiny.

What D’Souza won’t stand for is a “fact check” effort devoid of, well, facts.

The author and co-creator of “2016: Obama’s America,” wrote an op-ed at TheWrap.com today demolishing the Associated Press for its biased, fact-challenged assessment of the film:

Remarkably, for a news article, the reporter didn’t bother to check with me or anyone else at the film.  This was my first indication that something was deeply wrong with this article….

Certainly it’s possible to debate the issues raised in the film.  If AP wanted to commission a review or Oped article, that would be fine. But instead the news agency has published a crude and inaccurate attack masquerading as a news story.  Evidently this fact-checking article required its own fact-checker.  Perhaps AP can now regain some credibility in this matter by publishing an apology.

Why, it’s almost as if the AP has an agenda regarding the film. If any Big Hollywood readers know of a similar AP story fact checking “An Inconvenient Truth,” any Michael Moore film or the dozens of left-leaning documentaries released over the last few years, please let us know.