Producer Gerald Molen is used to reading reviews – both good and bad – for his movies.

The Oscar winner’s resume is golden enough to give him a pretty thick skin. He’s helped bring such modern classics as “Minority Report,” “Schindler’s List” and “Rain Man” to the big screen.

Let’s assume he can take whatever a critic can dish out.

Molen wasn’t prepared, apparently, to read reviews of his latest film, “2016: Obama’s America” calling his creative team racists … and worse.

It deeply offends me to read reviews labeling me and my fellow filmmakers as racists or bigots or comparing us to Nazis. Their obvious hatred and bias seemingly overwhelms their ability to write a negative review without resorting to the lowest of degrading observations. It raises the question “why are some on the left of the political spectrum so indoctrinated by their masters that they lose all sense of decency and/or intelligent reasoning?” This is such a loss for journalism. An example of this is the recent article in Entertainment Weekly that informed its readers that our film “2016: Obama’s America is “fundamentally racist.” Really? And this editorial judgment is made by whom? It really speaks highly as to the quality of people making decisions that affect all of us, doesn’t it?

I follow a large group of film-related journalists on Twitter, and whenever their Twitter feeds mention politics it’s always from a liberal perspective. Always.

No harm there. The fact that so many movie critics can’t put their biases aside while pounding out reviews and features for supposedly apolitical outlets is, indeed, a concern. It does a disservice to movie goers seeking a neutral take on the latest movies, and it unfairly targets filmmakers who dare to express an unpopular (by Hollywood standards) opinion on screen.

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