Novelist Martin Amis took in the Republican National Convention late last month and apparently required roughly two weeks file his report for The Daily Beast.

After all, name calling can’t be done without some serious thought.

Here’s Amis on Ann Romney: “she looks like the worthy winner of Miss Dairy Queen 1970.”

As for RNC keynote speaker Gov. Chris Christie, Amis writes simply that he “waddled” into the arena.

Wow, a fat joke. No wonder Amis is a distinguished man of letters.

The author saved the rest of his venom for Mitt Romney, or rather for the governor’s religion. Can we expect the Obama administration to apologize to Mormons any time soon?

Romney has the look of someone who seriously thinks that he will live forever. He is a Mormon–though he doesn’t like talking about it. And if I were a Mormon, I wouldn’t like talking about it either. Whatever you may feel about their doctrines, the great monotheisms are sanctioned by the continuities of time: Islam has 15 centuries behind it, Christianity has 20, Judaism at least 40. One of the dozens of quackeries that sprang up during the Great Revival, Mormonism was founded on April 6, 1830.

So … what does Amis think of President Barack Obama, the man behind the U.S.’s atrocious economy and maddening Middle East policy?

Obama’s least touted virtue is his astonishing self-possession in the face of the planet’s highest office.